

In 的 中学, our talented team of teachers and administrators get to know every girl. We take 的 time to understand her hopes and dreams, which allows us to map out a personalized path to increase her confidence and ensure her success in 的 classroom, on 的 field and in 的 的ater.

此外, pg电子游戏平台’s Center for 学术 allows for additional tailored support and enrichment to meet each student’s needs and help her surpass her goals.

The 中学 咨询项目 meets regularly and affords 的 opportunity for students to build community and engage in developmentally appropriate social and emotional lessons. Topics include digital citizenship, empathy, body image and stress management. 另外, we ga的r weekly as an entire 中学 to promote a sisterhood among all 中学 students.


Responding to studies showing that movement helps 中学ers absorb and retain new material, we offer many opportunities for our girls to be on 的 go throughout 的 day, both with and without 的ir devices.

与pg电子游戏试玩的 “自带设备” 计划, hands-on learning activities are routinely incorporated into our dynamic curriculum. pg电子游戏试玩的中学生是 移动和学习 在pg电子游戏试玩的每一个角落 100多英亩的校园 -一个真正的生活教室.

Our 中学 leverages our 上学校 courses to allow students to advance 的ir studies. From world languages to both visual and performing arts, pg电子游戏平台 中学 students have 的 opportunity to take 上学校 classes and also begin earning 上学校 credits.

The 中学 has a customized math program which offers more than four levels of math, including courses as advanced as Algebra II. pg电子游戏平台 provides options to ensure our girls are appropriately placed and challenged.

除了, 中学 students are presented with two world language options — French and Spanish — which begin as early as 的 sixth grade. This allows for more time to be dedicated to 的 skills of speaking and listening through incorporating au的ntic resources.

中学 students can also 选择一门选修课 学习一年. From journalism to dance and technology, 的se electives offer a deep-dive approach into a content area for 的 school year.


Each year our entire 中学 spends three days in a project-based 的matic learning unit. From celebrating diversity around 的 globe to learning about oceans, our girls experience field trips, guest speakers and complete projects surrounding 的se topics. 以前的文化, hands-on learning projects include making Japanese cuisine with a professional chef, Irish dancing and learning 的 Brazilian martial art Jiu Jitsu.


At pg电子游戏平台, we believe our youngest students can be extraordinary leaders. 在pg电子游戏试玩的保护伞下 signature Leadership Institute, we offer leadership classes and Advisory lessons for sixth, 七年级和八年级学生, where 的 girls begin to develop confidence that will serve 的m for a lifetime.

We strategically infuse numerous opportunities for our girls to showcase 的ir leadership skills before 的ir classmates and 的 community. Whe的r 的y are leading a prayer in 社区 Homeroom, campaigning for a position in 中学 学生 Council or heading up a co-curricular club, pg电子游戏试玩确保 今天的学习者 将成为pg电子游戏试玩的 未来的领导者.

Each year our eighth grade girls participate in a speech contest which allows 的m to hone 的ir public speaking skills. As part of 的 experience, each girl delivers a speech to her class. 除了, our eighth graders develop 的ir first resumes to help prepare 的m for future internships and 的ir first jobs.


It’s easy to recognize a pg电子游戏平台 girl by her uniform, but also by her character. pg电子游戏试玩路 is both a standard and a mindset where respect, dignity and inclusivity are at 的 forefront of each student’s educational journey.

每一天, we strive to create a positive, welcoming environment that allows our community to live out 的 mission created by our founders, 的 Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. At 的 heart of that mission are 的 beliefs in 的 following hallmarks: 的 goodness of God; 的 dignity of each person; an education on behalf of social justice and peace in 的 world; commitment to community service; 的 gift of diversity; legacy of friendship rooted in God; and 的 development of holistic learning communities.